Usage with React Router

Deviation can be used with history and react-router the same way with Redux and connected-react-router. Below is the implementation of RouterService that will provide you the functionalities ofconnected-react-router.


Before implementing RouterService, you need to install history and react-router-dom packages:

npm install --save history react-router-dom

To use the HTML5 History API, you need to declare the RouterService and history inside it:

import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'
import { Store } from 'deviation'

export class RouterService extends Store {
    history = createBrowserHistory()

Then in ReactDOM, provide Router with the history that you've created:

import { Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom'
import { Inject } from 'deviation'

export interface IAppRouter {
    serviceRouter: ServiceRouter

    routerService: RouterService
export class AppRouter extends React.Component<IAppRouter> {
    render() {
        return (
            <Router history={this.props.routerService.history}>
                <Route path="/" exact component={HomePage} />
                <Router path="/login" exact component={LoginPage} />

You also have to listen for changes from history in so that AppRouter will re-render whenever history changes:

import {
} from 'history'

export interface IRouterServiceState {
    location: Location

export class RouterService extends Store<{}, IRouterServiceState> {
    state = {
        location: undefined as Location
    history = createBrowserHistory()
    listener: UnregisterCallback
    storeDidMount() {
        this.history.listen(() => {
            this.setState({ location: history.location })
    storeWillUnmount() {

You can use the methods directly from history or re-export the API as you want:

export class RouterService extends Store {
    push(location: string, state?: any) {
        this.history.push(location, state)
    goBack() {

Now we can you RouterService to navigate anywhere in our app:

    routerService: RouterService
export class Navigator extends React.Component {
    get routerService() {
        return this.props.routerService
    render() {
        return (
                    onClick={() => this.routerService.goBack()}
                    onClick={() => this.routerService.push('/')}

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